Tuesday, March 18, 2008



Prof Dr Colonel (Retired) K Prabhakar Rao

Intolerance towards others is the fundamental short coming of a human being in particular because he has been bestowed with power of reasoning. If wants he can have control over himself and reason out. This of course lacks in other species. A bitch that suckles its ten or twelve Pups drives away another extra pup arriving from some where. Some birds drive out other birds trying to nest on the same tree. A dominant male ape does not allow other male ape to dominate the troop. It is by instinct. Yet we do come across some instances when mother cat suckles a pup and a bitch suckling tiger cubs. Such photographs were flashed in newspapers many times. These are exceptions. By and large animals tolerate others as long as they don’t interfere with them. But Humans are not so. They interfere with others even if other person keeps away. This is a typical trait. This is probably because human being is a social animal. Some characters consider all others as enemies and are at fault trying to exploit and interfering with their religion and tradition and way of life and hence need to be punished. At times even to be killed. They feel that all others are spreading lies except himself. Terrorists world wide are suffering from this disease. This word disease is used to indicate that it is a mental disorder causing intolerance. This is because of self imposed greatness and limitation to see the world and others with open eyes and with enlightened mind. Such men disturb themselves and are in great mental stress spoiling their own health and day by day inch towards the grave. Stress causes rise of blood pressure, heart attacks, ulcers, mental disorders, and Diabetes and skin ailments. This is very much proved medically in all countries.
The question is that an average person in the world could suffer with this ailment of intolerance. But we also come across instances when wise men too loose their cool and behave abnormally. Their are any number of examples to high lights this aspect irrespective of the religions and intellectual elevation. Anger is fundamentally arises out of in toleration. With this, stability and wisdom degrades at least at that moment. One of the most distinguished sage who was greatly egoistic and fumed with anger at slightest chance was Doorvasa. Another was Brighu Vishwamitras anger and intolerance is well known in Hindu world. Although these men achieved great accomplishments suffered from intolerance and others greatly suffered at their hands. Even Balarama, krishnas bother suffered from anger and intolerance.
On the day of final battle between Duryodhana and Bheema Balarama returned from pilgrimage. In fact Balarama was not willing t take sides between Pandavas and Kauravas. Duryodhana was his most liked pupil in the warfare using maces and wrestling and he had to support him while Krishna was on Pandavas. Thus there would have been a clash between the divine brothers. Balarama can not even imagine such clash and decided to be away from the war. They were watching the duel and Krishna was worried because the battle was equal and Duryodhana enjoyed a boon from his mother that he will not be wounded by any weapon if it strikes his body any where. However there was a vulnerable spot of Thighs on his body. Earlier Bheema took a vow in Kaurava court that he would avenge the insult to Pandava queen by breaking his thighs by his mace.
It is worthwhile recalling the reason for the vow of Bheema. After Dhramaraja was defeated in a game of dice by Duryodhana by deception Dharamaraja lost complte territories and even his brothers, himself and his wife. Duryodhana claimed that they were his slaves and Draupadi was just a servant and could be dishonored to take revenge on Pandavas and Draupadi. He atonce ordered his brother Duhssasana to drag Darupadi from the palace and disrobe her in the court in front of every one. When she was brought to court dragging by hair, Duryodhna gave her gesture to her asking her to sit on his thigh. This was very outrageous and at once Bheema got up and looking at the sky and raising his mace took a vow that he would break Duryodhans thighs by his mace on the battle field and avengeDraupadi. Every one was awe struck and Duryodhana laughed off. He happily accepted the order and started pulling out her clothes and she helplessly prayed to Krishna. A miracle occurred. The clothes were endless and Duhssasan fell down tired. Draupadis honor was saved.
When Bheema was looking at Krishna with a question mark on his face, during the duel Krishna gave a sign to him clapping on the thigh. Bheema at once remembered his vow and with great vigor cornered the opponent and smashed the thighs of Duryodhana and he crashed like an elephant mortally wounded. Bheema put his foot on Duryodhans head and pressed and sneered at him. Such were the levels of intolerance of wise men, knowledgeable in Vedas and scriptures. They were victims of anger. Balarama having seen this fight at once shouted at Bheema that he exceeded the rules of mace duel in which one should not hit below the naval. He took up his divine weapon Plough and wanted to kill Bheema. Krishna interfered and explained the heinous insults heaped on Pandava and Draupadi and said that Bheema only acted as per his vow. Balarama cooled and went away dejected. Thus there are ample instances in the epics. In fact Ramayana and Mahbharatha were victories of virtue over hate and anger.

1. Acharya C Rajagopalachari, Mahabharatha, Bharateeya Vidy Bhavan, Bombay, India, 1987, PP 92, 287, 291

DR K PrabhakarRao

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