Sunday, April 17, 2011




Degradation of culture is the root cause of corruption in India. There is a moral down fall everywhere in Indian society and all are running to catch wood duck by hook or crook. All are running for riches to day. This is the main cause for corruption in all walks of society. If an attender in a govt office is happy by allowing a visitor by receiving Rs 10 for each guy, the central ministers and other dignitaries are happy grabbing thousands of Crores of rupees in scams as we have seen in recent scams. It is not new that these things have happened recently. The magnitude and consistancy of scams have been high under present Dr singh's govt as he has no control over his ministers. He is leading a bunch of scamsters and selfish men and he had to adjust as admitted by him.He has no way out. He is a sorry figure, probably helpless too. What are the compulsions on a distinguished man like him to sell himself is not understood.Although Mr Hazare has succeeded in drawing nation's attention towards corrupotion, Lok Pal bill alone will not solve the problem. It has gone into blood of all Indians. Will Lok Pal or Lok Ayukt change society overnight? Fear of severe punishmnet that too quickly irrespcive of position is one method of controlling this evil or Dracula. But in India, with such large network of corruption dealing daily millions of cases will not be possible. They may catch some fish here and there and try. But in present context, law in India is very weak and loose.It is an apology for justice. Judicial process itself is long drawn and never ending. Think of case of Mr Sen who has been recently given some relief by the Hon supreme court by giving him bail. He was imprisoned for life for sedition for abetting Naxals. Finally, the guy will be let off as usual. Afzal Guru and Kasab's cases are best exmaples.Can we compare hanging of Bhagat singh and Guru. The engishmen hanged Bhagat singh promptly to have an effect.Even if the court punishes the guilty men, the judgement and sentense are not carried out. There is nothing to feel elated by Hazare's success recently. It is just a temportry success or euphoria ( Rather a variety) to be clouded in darkness very soon. The satan will succeed as all powers are with govt and these leaders are bent up on retaining power at all costs and they are not going to allow to cut their own wings by any new laws and legislations.The first salvo was fired by the ever talking Sibal the minister. He retraced his steps as usual.It is all crooks galore. As simple as that.In ancient days Kings were supreme. They could punish summarily and there was no appeal. If the king was honest, he punished corrupt ruthlessly by chopping off their hands legs and even necks.They were sent to gallows and were spiked over. If King was corrupt all were corrupt. At times, King was corrupt , but he ensured that others were not corrupt. Now there are no kings. Every one is a king now,. all can be corrupt.Some how it is better to have one top guy corrupt and rest honest. It is better than having all corrupt. Total honesty is not possible in any place. Honesty in India has gone to winds.It is free for all as stated.It is a chor Bazar in fact. Thus unless there is an upliftment of society morally, there is no solution to India. It will whither away in course of time under the rule of present misfits elected through ballot and sadly the people have no power to kick them hard and brutally immediately.That is the evils of democracy in a country. Democracy has been mis interpreted and misundertood in this country. Democracy in India amounts to free for all.Poor Hazareji will suck his thumb soon and will fade out as another JP.Writing on the wall has to be read.

1 comment:

Dr K Prabhakar Rao said...

It is a crooks galore in fact.The present adult franchise system and practice of pseudo democracy and constitutional provisions make it a corrupt state. This nation is beyond repair .Recently the highest officer of the judicial system commented that judges are being influenced by the political forces. Shame indeed. Thieves, crooks, criminals are able to get elected easily with the muscle and money power while an honest man can never get a seat and win. A person like Lallu yadav claimed that he will give a party ticket who goes to jail.Then what can be expected from such comic men.Thus the parties turned into a bunch of evil men. there may be exceptions. But they make n sense. Any one who is fighting against corruption is seen as a national enemy by the ruling men.People have started believing that probably India should have remained under the Englishmen. It is better to serve uinder a corrupt king who enforces strict discipline under him and ensures that others are not corrupt than all being corrupt. Now entire set of rulers appear to be corrupt in each and every state across the country. there is no salvation in this country.