Saturday, March 10, 2018

Pencil sketch of a Nazi by Dr K,PrabhakarvRao


1 comment:

Dr K Prabhakar Rao said...

Johannes Soodla (14 January 1897 in Kudina Parish, (now in Palamuse Parish) – 16 May 1965) was an Estonian military officer during World War I, Estonian War of Independence and World War II, serving in Kuperjanov's Partisan Battalion and the 20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Estonian). In 1944 he was promoted to Brigadeführer, which was the highest rank ascribed to any Estonian officer in the German army during World War II.He was known to have been in post-war refugee camps in Germany. He later lived in Italy and in United States. He died on May 16, 1965 in Goslar, Germany.The Estonian International Commission for the Investigation of Crimes Against Humanity concluded that by the virtue of his senior position, Johannes Soodla shared responsibility with the German authorities for all criminal actions carried out in Estonia, and beyond its borders by military units or police battalions raised with their consent.He died in 1965.