Monday, October 18, 2010



Dr K Prabhakar Rao

( Gandhi, Nehru and Patel are seen sitting on a bench at a small park at the banks of Yamuna river and relaxing. All are calm and quiet. They look to be meditating.)

Nehru. Bapu. I think I feel like walking for some time and ease my body.

Gandhi. Sure dear. Why don’t you take Patel with you. Otherwise you will be alone.

Nehru. Ohfo Patel.. Never..Never. Let me have some peace for some time.

Patel. That is fine. Neither I am keen. Please do not go very far. We can not search you if you miss the way

Nehru. Am I a kid to miss the place? OK Thanks every one.

( Nehru leaves alone and is out of sight soon)

Gandhi. Patel. Why this guy has gone alone? Generally he is a scared guy and does not venture alone.

Patel. Bapu, Let him be happy. He is a bit uncomfortable in my company.

Gandhi. True. You also keep teasing him often.

Patel. Bapu. It is not teasing . You also know it. This guy goofed up every thing in India after he became Prime Minister.

( Gandhi remains silent)

Patel. Bapu. Have you noticed one thing? This riverside is full of memorials for dead. You have your Rajghat, Jawaharlal has Shantivan, Indira has shaktisthal, Rajiv has his own, Sanjay has one. Many areas also are kept vacant for many. I think this river should be renamed as Shav alankar river at least as long as it passes through Delhi.

Gandhi. What can I say? But who will do it?

Patel. Poor Narsimha Rao was denied a place here among Nehru- Gandhi family members.

Gandhi. I know that. Poor old Narsimha Raos body was sent to Hyderabad for cremation, rather burning

Patel. What could be the reason?

Gandhi. Patel. Narsimha Rao was never liked by Nehru family and congress. He was kept away after he lost power, He was an out caste in Congress. He was used and then thrown off like Banana skin. Poor Guy. I feel sad for him.

Patel. But he was a good guy. He was learned and master of many languages. The present guys are just jokers in front of him. He was an Andhrite. How he can be cremated among the Nehru Gandhi members? This place is rather reserved for them unofficially.

Gandhi. Joke is that Narsimha Raos body was not even burnt fully on funeral pyre. Near Hussein sagar lake, it was left half burnt. Next day there was a photo in the newspaper showing half burnt corpse. It was disgusting. It was shame to AP government who conducted the state funeral.. They hurriedly burnt the body and completed the task.

Patel. How sa! It is better if one gets cremated by their own family members. They will ensure atlesat the dead are burnt. Why a CM should bother for a dead old leader who has fallen from grace.

Gandhi. hee…heee…heee. Well said. Patel. Shall I tell you something?

Patel. What is that Bapu?

Gandhi. After I died at Delhi near Birla Mandir my soul was still hovering near the place. There was a big crowd and many leaders were around. Outwardly they all were showing that they were very much in pain and anguish. But many were happy too. In their rooms they were very happy that I died. Some guys even opened Champaign bottles in the room even before I was burnt out.

Patel. It must be true. I fully agree with you. Many were vexed up with you. They licked your feet outwardly till the independence was gained. Back at home they burnt Charkhas and made tea.

( In the mean time Nehru is seen running back into the park. He is being chased by some people. Some are throwing stones at him.)

Gandhi. Look Patel. , Run , save Jawaharlal from them.

Patel. OK Bapu. I shall go.

( In the mean time Nehru arrives and hides behind Gandhi)

Nehru. Bapu. Please save me from these guys.

Gandhi. What happened? Why they are after you? Did you tease any woman?

( The members of the crowd come to Gandhi. Some of them are Laxman Pundit, Ram Kumar Pundit, Durga Prasad Pundit. They appear to be very angry. Patel also arrives.)

Patel. What is the matter Bhai? Why are you after this old man?

Laxman. We are Kashmiri Pundits. Most of us live on roads here and sleep in parks in nights)

Patel. But why are you after him?

Ram kumar. He is the guy for ditching us. This man has ruined Kashmir. We lost our homes. He has to pay for his deeds

Nehru. What I have done? I have not done any thing? I am innocent. I can not even suck my finger.

Ram kumar. Were you not responsible for taking Kashmir to UN? Indian army was about to capture entire Kashmir. You were a useless guy and for your glory ditched us. Look how we are suffering?

Nehru. Bapu. Save me from these guys. They may even kill me.

( Ram kumar picks up a stone and throws at Nehru and Gandhi stands up and protects Nehru. In the mean time some more men throw stones and all hit Gandhi. )

Gandhi. Please, brothers listen. Kindly leave him. Spare him. He was dead long ago. I appeal on his behalf.

Ramkumar. In fact we are so dammed annoyed with this guy for bungling Kashmir. This guy had no clue to become PM and he was there for 16 years and screwed India thoroughly. Guys call him a visionary and Pundit. Is this the vision he had? Is he learned?

( He pulls stick from Gandhi’s hand and tries to attack Nehru)

Gandhi. Please forgive him. He is a dead guy.

Laxman. Look Old man. Who are you? Why are you supporting him.

Patel. Can’t you recognize him? He is MK Gandhi. He is the Father of nation.

Laxman. I do not know him. If he is MK Gandhi, please ask him to keep quiet before we attack him. He is another character who screwed India very well in 1947.

Patel. You appear to be ill informed about him

Laxman. We know all. We also know how well he ditched Indians. We are all suffering due to his cranky ideas and ways.

Patel. They are all victims of circumstances. At that time there was no way out.

Laxman. These are excuses to save skins.

Patel. What can I say?

(The crowd returns after throwing heaps of abuses on Nehru who hides behind Gandhi)

Patel. Jawaharlal, Have you seen the result of your work?

Gandhi. Please leave him Patel. He is scared much.

Nehru. Bapu. Please take me home. I am much scared. They may again attack me.

Gandhi. OK, we shall go from here. Patel. Let us go from here.

Patel. OK Bapu. As you say we do.

( The trio vanish from there)


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