Friday, February 1, 2019

Judith GELLER, pencil sketch by Dr k,Prabhakar Rao


Born in Metz, Judith Geller was 17 years old when the war broke out. In 1941, her older brother Joel was arrested and sent to the Pithiviers camp, and later deported to Auschwitz, where he perished. Judith’s parents and younger brother hid in occupied Paris while Judith walked around “openly” with false papers under the assumed name of Jacqueline Gautier. She worked for the underground, smuggling documents and false papers. Judith also organized false papers for her mother, and a hiding place for her parents and brother. During the war, Judith continued to see her beloved, Alfred Marcus (a good friend of her elder brother Joel) who was imprisoned in a detention camp for British subjects. After the war, Judith married Alfred and together they immigrated to Israel.

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