Friday, May 28, 2010



Dr K Prabhakar Rao

(In a room Field Marshals Sam Manekshaw and Cariappa are seen conversing)

Cariappa. You said retired army guys are fit to right poetry. But not all are good at English. Then what they will do?

Sam. I know many do not do any thing. I know some Major Generals joined some political parties. Nothing came through. They were not given higher positions.
Then what happens? They fumed and fretted and kept mouths shut.

Cariappa. I know. These guys have lot of ego. Every where they have to be at number one. Once you leave your uniform you are along with every one in a political party. You are not known in public. If you stand independently who would vote for you? You stand in queue everywhere.After retirement army guys become clueless lot not knowing what to do. there may be some exception here and there. Most of them print cards showing that they are consultants here and there. I am sure this is all cock and bull. What consultancy they can give? They slowly disappear unsung and un heard.

Sam. Haa.. Haa. Not even your wife would vote.

Cariappa. Some spend some time as chief guests at some functions. That is also short lived as time goes on.

Sam. Yeah. You can not be at top all the time.

Cariappa. That is possible only in civil politics where certain dynasties rule.

In the mean time some Marshal music is heard. Chod Chalo oh Duniya wallo Hindustan hamara Hai.. … is played at high tone Then walks in Netaji Subhas Chadra Bose in Jack boots and in uniform of INA with a Japanese pistol at the belt.

Subhas. Hello Marshals, Good morning. How are you?

Sam. ( Gets up smartly and salutes) Good morning sir. I am honored.

Subahs. ( Goes to Cariappa who is unable to get up . Places his hand on him and comforts him) Hello Marshal. Do not take trouble. You already had enough with guys in India.

Cariappa. Good morning sir. I am unable to salute you. I am weak. I can not even lift my hand properly. See sir ! My hand is trembling. I remember Prof Colonel Dr Prabhakar Rao’s poem…(Sings):

Life in army is compared to a golden jail
Where finally all are bound to get sick and pale
They go through service of a long cruise
Then come out like a tomato sucked off it’s tasty juice
Thrown off the service at an young age
We expect them to become soon a sage
Outside world that holds them as the great heroes
Now treat them alas! As big blob and zeroes

Netaji. Marshal Just relax. Forget what were you in past Know that you are now just a physical wreck and sick and pale and neglected too. I just now over heard your conversation from the door when I stepped in. You were telling about dynastic rule.

Cariappa. True. I was saying some families always rule in India. Others do only boot licking to be precise.

Sam. Son of a person from some families always are top leaders

Cariappa. That is the psychological degradation in Indian masses. They are more slavish. They live on past glories and give credit accordingly to the sons and daughters.

Netaji. That is perfectly said. Just see the Indian leaders one after the other. There is a chain of succession.

Sam. Yeah.. Mughals died long ago. But soon a new dynasty started off.

Cariappa. It happens only in India. We are more sentimental and slavish too. Look, in America they worship Washington. But Washington’s children did not become Presidents. Kennedy’s kin are not presidents.

Sam. Same is the case with England.

Netaji. (Takes a deep breath) What I can say? I have seen things from very close. I am the witness to the growth of some important persons during freedom movement who are still ruling and getting ready to rule.

Cariappa. Now a days some one is being called Yuv Raj. A practice from kingdoms.

Netaji. Look Marshal. The stooges in the political party want to appease the top guys. It is sad that even senior guys from the party resort to this type of bootlicking to gain favors

Sam. Sir this is the Indian trait

Netaji. Look. Although Winston Churchill led England to victory in World War II he lost the elections. In India guys get elected on some ones name eternally. They hang on till die. They rule lying on stretchers too.Even with Oxygen masks in a hospital they want to rule.

Sam. Although they mucked up Indian security in 1962


Indian army was butchered in the past
At some places they fought to the last
Nehru was sad and atlast gave up his soul
But no one had guts and shouted foul

The dynasty goes on to rule
People in elections become a fool
The same old faces are again on the screen
Although they are sick with damaged spleen

Sam. ( Showing his right up right thumb) Sir well sung. Three cheers to you

Netaji. You guys appear to be good at poetry

Cariappa. What else we can do? No one wants our advice.

Netaji. I heard there is some trouble in army over pay commission reports

Sam. Yes sir. We were discussing that before you came in

Netaji. Nothing new. Days have changed. INA soldiers were different . They were fighters for freedom. Indian army also has laid down many lives during last four wars and internal security commitments

Sam. Thanks for your kind words sir

Netaji. It is OK. It is so sad that Army had to shout and Ex servicemen have to demonstrate for extra coppers. What a shame in India

Sam. It is said Army is under civil control.

Cariappa. But looks like under civilan Babu control as I read in news paper.

Netaji. I know India is heading for trouble soon.

Cariappa. Sir What type of trouble?

Netaji. When army demads higher pay which should have come automatically, it is the last straw. Down fall has already commenced. We have seen How Pakistan suffered and what happens there

Sam. You expect similar things

Netaji. I do not wish. But is inevitable. No one can change fate

Cariappa. What a fate indeed?

Netaji. Thanks guys. Thanks for the company. God bless you.

Sam and Cariapa say Jai Hind and salute as Netaji goose steps and walks off stiffly while song is played…. Chod Chalo Oh Duniya wallo Hindostan Hamarahai…
Cariappa.. A befitting song for the dynastic rulers in India. Hindostan belongs to them eternally. Others just suck own thumbs because they can not suck others thumbs.
Sam. Haa…. Haa… Heee.. Hee
(Cariappa gets up from bed and holds hand of Sam. Then both sing…. Hindostan hamara hai … Naa. Hindostan tumhara hai… Chod Chalo.. Chod Chalo.. They do some crazy steps and get tired. Both slump to the ground)


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