Friday, September 2, 2016

Pencil sketches of Nazis by dr k Prabhakar Rao


 . He was a SS functionary as Medical orderly with rank Rottenfuhrer at Dora sub camp Rottleberode and was arrested by US army after it liberated the camp.  He was tried at Dachau in Dora trials  by US military court and was sentenced to 5 yeras jail term


Karl Mockell joined SS and he continued in it from 1933 to 1941 .he joined SS waffle the combat arm of SS and served in reserve battalion. In 1943 spring he arrived at Auschwitz camp and took over duties in administration. H e became Obersturmbann fuhrer i.e Lt col. He was also responsible for accounting of property of killed and dead prisoners and the collections were periodically sent to higher how. He was also taking care of buildings and gas chambers and thus was a party for war crimes. He was arrested after the war and was tried at Krakow in poland by supreme national tribunal , Poland and was sentenced to death. He was executed at prison Montelupitch at Krakow on 28 Jan 1948.

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