Monday, September 17, 2018

Pencil sketch of a Nazi by Dr K Prabhakar Rao


1 comment:

Dr K Prabhakar Rao said...

Wilhelm Zoepf, alson rendered Zöpf, (born 11 March 1908 in Munich - died unknown) was a German Schutzstaffel (SS) Sturmbannführer and a figure in the Holocaust.
Zoepf was attached RSHA Referat IV B4 (RSHA Sub-Department IV-B4), the Jewish affairs and deportation agency headed by Adolf Eichmann. In this capacity Zoepf was sent by Eichmann in 1941 to the Netherlands in order to work alongside the Sicherheitspolizei in deportations.Here he became directly subordinate to SS General Wilhelm Harster, the pair being old friends.From their base in The Hague the duo ran the Department of Jewish Affairs for the Nazi occupiers in the Netherlands.In this role Zoepf oversaw the deportation of Jews to the concentration camps in the east.Most of his work was that of a bureaucrat although he took steps to ensure that deportation would not be disrupted, notably intercepting and destroying South American passports that were sent to some Jews and which would save them from deportation.Following the Second World War Zoepf disappeared within the Netherlands and returned to Germany.In the 1960s Zoepf was brought to trial in Munich, along with Harster and Gertrud Slottke for his complicity in the killing of 83,000 Dutch Jews.After a trial that received high media attention Zoepf was sentenced to nine years imprisonment.