Sunday, September 23, 2018

Pencil sketch of a Nazi by Dr K Prabhakar Rao


Palij, who served as an armed guard at the Trawniki camp in Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II, was arrested at his home in Queens in USA. As per Aug 21 , 2018. The ex Nazi guard was deported to Germany and he is 95 years old.  officials  State that sufficient evidence is not available to prosecute him in German court. As a camp guard he was responsible for preventing escape of prisoners in the camp and thus he was party to the suffering of Jews. Many of them were done to death. He stated in the court in U.S. That he lied for getting entry into USA as every one has lied and also that he would not get entry if he did not lie. It has to be seen  how he will be tackled in Germany in view of his advanced age. But U.S. Is form that  they are not going to tolerate any criminals like Ex nazis to find home in USA.

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