Monday, June 22, 2020

Fluctuating fortunes, by Dr k Prabhakar Rao


          Colonel    Dr  k prabhakar. Rao

, we are still not out of deep waters. What happened is probably a fraction.  and much awaits us.Probably China  wants to occupy complete Ladakh, Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal and Arunachal Pradesh Which it claims to be part of southern Tibet. are we in position to  stand up in protracted war, Unless we play cards well. Unfortunately we gave our own internal enemies like militants, Maoists, communists, separatists, JNU guys and many more like SIMI, NAGA REBELS,  Kerala separatists,  and some more a long rope.internal enemies are more dangerous than external enemies as they give away intelligence inputs to outside powers and undermine from behind.unless we crush internal enemies with iron hand beating external enemies is not that easy. in 1971 East Pakistan could be over  powered as it was away and cut off from  west Pakistan. Any other nation in similar situation would have occupied East Pakistan like India did,   although we captured a lakh prisoners , it was inevitable for them and accepted fact. Probably west Pakistan knew the outcome and they accepted it.  More over East pak army was not that determined to fight to the last man for the sake of their country. They thought  probably that discretion was  better than valor and they surrendered. but our wars with China in future to protect Arunachal will not be that easy as the terrain is very difficult, and the PLA is very large and the chance of inspiring an armed revolt in Tibet is almost impossible. although U.S. Tried to arm rebels earlier in Tibet it did not succeed. for all purposes Tibet is part of China as things go on.
   The never ending tussle with beaurocrats and and army brass for modernisation and upgradation apart from service conditions and pay  and perks and status  has been going on for      the last70 years and Is Never ending and giving financial sanctions for purchase of arms etc in middle of crisis speaks very poor of the prevailing system. But that is our  way. when we lost war with China in 1962 we stood in international market and on Indian streets with begging bowl for  donations. army is still not far away from it . every time forces put  up demands  they receive rough treatment. when a crisis develops  like now and wisdom develops for a short time only to return to  original  stare soon . then where is the solution to these adhoc measures that acts like gyroscope.
           after every five years the nation faces elections. with change in govt all policies change. No govt is permanent. After three years if Modi govt does not return,  we can expect many changes , reversals, appeasement so, witch hunting etc. Thus we find that in India def forces are at the mercy of those who are in power and dance as per their whim whether army looses or wins, whether we loose land  or gain  in a war. it us a fluctuating fortune game.. Jai hind

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