Sunday, September 17, 2017

Pencil sketch of a Nazi by Dr K Prabhakar Rao


 Feldmeijer was tasked with establishing and commanding the Nederlandsche SS. Mussert had opposed the creation of the SS in the Netherlands, but German pressure had made him agree to its establishment. De Nederlandsche SS had a maximum membership of 4,000 on 1 November 1942. It always had a double standard, as it was seen as part of the NSB and at the same time part of the German SS. In theory, it was under the leadership of Anton Mussert but in reality Feldmeijer reported to Himmler and his representative in the Netherlands, Hanns Albin Rauter. Feldmeijer stimulated his members to contribute actively to the German war effort: he himself served at the front twice: April–May 1941 as a gunner in the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler in Yugoslavia and Greece, and June 1942 – March 1943 as Flak commander in SS-Division Wiking at the Eastern Front in Southern Russia. In March 1943 he was promoted to Standartenführer in the Allgemeine SS and in March 1944, after completion of an officer training course, he was promoted to Hauptsturmführer in the Waffen-SS. He was decorated with the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the Sturmabzeichen and the Verwundetenabzeichen in black.He was driving to his front position when an Allied fighter plane strafed his car and and killed him. His death was condoned by Heinrich himmler the SS supreme of Germany. hitler admired him and expressed that he was the hope of Netherlands


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